15 Movies Coming Out This Year (And 15 Coming Out In 2019)

15 Movies Coming Out This Year (And 15 Coming Out In 2019)

10 Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2 (2018)

Awkwardly long title aside, it seems like Wreck-It Ralph 2 is shaping up nicely. While the first movie was love-letter to old school video games, the sequel looks like it's expanding its horizons to all of popular culture.

The trailer promises gags about internet culture and technology as well as cameos from characters belonging to some of Disney's most popular movies.

Star Wars, Marvel, and the Disney princesses are all accounted for and it looks like the movie's going to be like a mix between Ready Player One and a good version of The Emoji Movie.

Ralph breaks the Internet on the 21st November.

9 Glass (2019)

People who haven't seen Split yet and don't know what happens, cover your eyes now.

For the rest of you, wasn't it awesome when Split turned out to be a sequel to Unbreakable? Well, 2019's Glass is looking to combine the two movies casts meaning that James McAvoy will be sharing the screen with Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson.

Little is known about the movie other than the recently released teaser poster, but the plot will revolve around Willis' David Dunn chasing down McAvoy's Kevin Crumb, with Jackson's Mr. Glass watching from the shadows.

Glass is released January 19th, 2019.

8 Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)

Arguably one of the most unique-looking animated movies of this year, Sony continue their own branded universe experiment with Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.

The movie focuses on Miles Morales (voiced by Shameik Moore), a teen who gains spiderpowers and learns how to be a hero from the original Spider-Man, Peter Parker (Jake Johnson).

Jump Street and Lego Movie writer/directors produce and write the movie, so we can be pretty sure that at least the humor will be on point.

The exploration of an entire Spiderverse's worth of heroes could be a lot of fun and the movie already looks like it's going to be visually stunning.

Into the Spider-Verse thwips onto screens December 14th.

7 Captain Marvel (2019)

With Captain Marvel already being the next hyped big event movie for the MCU, fans are more anxious than ever to see Brie Larson in action as Carol Danvers.

All that's been announced thus far is that he movie takes place in the 1990s and will contain the cinematic returns of Guardians of the Galaxy's Ronan (Lee Pace) and Korath (Djimon Hounsou), as well as Agent Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg).

Captain Marvel apparently borrows elements from the Kree-Skrull War comic storyline, but as we're yet to even see a trailer, only speculation exists about anything further.

Captain Marvel opens March 8th, 2019.

6 Bumblebee (2018)

Considering that the worldwide commercial success of the Transformers franchise, it's surprising that it's taken them this long to start exploring spin-offs. That ends this year.

Bumblebee is a prequel to the 2007 movie and focuses on the lovable Autobot meeting a teenage girl named Charlie Watson (Hailee Steinfeld). As Bumblebee is technically an alien invader, he and Charlie are hunted by government forces led by Burns (John Cena).

Although Bumblebee has a ton of action, none of it seems to be the city-levelling mega destruction seen in previous Transformers movies.

Fingers crossed that it delivers the smaller scale, more character focused Transformers movie that fans have waited for.

Bumblebee opens 21st December.